Due to the icy conditions, we are not running routes today, January 22nd. We will ALWAYS prioritize the safety of our people. Please keep your carts curbside and we’ll collect missed areas and missed commercial stops throughout the week. Thank you for your understanding. Please share and spread the word.

New research shows that Tulsa apartment residents would actually recycle more if given more convenient and cheaper ways to do so—this according to the findings of a new graduate research project at Oklahoma State University.

American Waste Control sponsored the multi year study, which was conducted by Jared Livingstone, an OSU graduate student studying Environmental Science. Livingstone presented surveys to both management and residents at a number of apartment complexes in the Tulsa area to gather information about the complexes, residential demographics, recycling needs and the desire on behalf of residents to recycle.

The study concluded that most residents were strong advocates of recycling and would recycle more if given more convenient recycling options that did not incur any additional costs. We think that’s great news for the growth potential for the market and reflects the need for even more recycling availability at these apartments.

The research was commissioned by American Waste Control to help us know how and where to best market recycling services through our expanded and renovated Material Recovery Facility known as Mr. Murph. The data was also meant to help the management of local complexes obtain insight into how the residents feel about recycling, as well as, identify the best fit for their individual community needs.

AWC currently offers three levels of recycling services to help apartment residents recycle and practice sustainability. For more information about our services or the study, apartment complexes can call American Waste Control at 918-446-0023.