Due to the icy conditions, we are not running routes today, January 22nd. We will ALWAYS prioritize the safety of our people. Please keep your carts curbside and we’ll collect missed areas and missed commercial stops throughout the week. Thank you for your understanding. Please share and spread the word.

Office waste is a huge problem worldwide. Trash from products such as paper and other products can be easily reduced by being creative and thinking ahead about things you can conserve.

According the EPA, the average office worker uses 10,000 sheets of copy paper each year. Reduce that number for your workplace by…

• Printing on both sides of the paper instead of just one. You can set your printer to default to this setting and make it a company-wide practice.

• Going paperless. Meaning all data is put on computer files instead of paper files. If you’re worried about privacy, modern software can virtually assure privacy and make files convenient to access with passwords and other encrypted codes.

• Reusing intra-office envelopes and notepads. This will cut down on tons of paper and is usually more convenient than opening new packs. Think of all the paper that is wasted that we could easily recycle. When confused…Reuse.