Due to the icy conditions, we are not running routes today, January 22nd. We will ALWAYS prioritize the safety of our people. Please keep your carts curbside and we’ll collect missed areas and missed commercial stops throughout the week. Thank you for your understanding. Please share and spread the word.

Most Americans don’t realize the positive effect landfills have on the economy and environment.

In many cases, the waste people create and send to a landfill can generate enough energy to power an entire community and often, revenues generated from a successfully operating landfill can be used to improve schools, roads, and the quality of life for all who live near the site.

At American Waste Control and AEL, we passionately promote the principles of a beautiful America while leading the industry in environmental compliance.

We recently developed and constructed a complete methane recovery system for our landfill to eliminate the negative impact of this gas into the atmosphere. We’ve also implemented some innovative approaches for using non-recyclable trash residue at our landfill to produce renewable energy and power homes.
Our landfill (AEL) stands second to none when it comes to our commitment to environmental awareness, community service and innovation. We continue to build a legacy around these core ideas while working to lead Tulsa to a greener and more sustainable future.