Due to the icy conditions, we are not running routes today, January 22nd. We will ALWAYS prioritize the safety of our people. Please keep your carts curbside and we’ll collect missed areas and missed commercial stops throughout the week. Thank you for your understanding. Please share and spread the word.

At American Waste Control, care for the environment is at the very heart of our business passion. That is why we’ve made it our mission to help educate the residents of Green Country on eco-friendly initiatives and make the quality of life in Tulsa as good as it can be.

As a firm, our everyday operations entail far more than just recycling and waste control. We consistently take steps to ensure that each action we make as a business reflects our attitude for environmental protection and safety. It’s more than just a corporate promise; it is our firm belief and a cornerstone to our business culture.

This year I would like to take a couple of moments to highlight a few of our current programs to give you an idea of the wonderful things we have happening to keep Oklahoma looking beautiful. You probably already know about our Mr. Murph Recycling Program and its success within the Tulsa community. But what we do extends so much further.

For example, our American Environmental Landfill location in Sand Springs is one of the few trash-to-energy facilities in the region. At this center, we take special steps to collect methane gas emitted from waste below the ground and turn it into clean energy for over 4,800 Oklahoma homes.

In addition, we’ve taken different initiatives to utilize this same facility for other eco-friendly programs. After learning about the effects of commercial pesticides on honeybees, our AEL team decided to clear easement and right-of-way brush by hand. However, we didn’t just stop there. We integrated beekeeping into our operations as a way to help increase the population in Northeastern Oklahoma.

The same location is also home to over 40 head of stunning Texas Longhorn cattle, a whole host of turtles, and a special milkweed garden designed for use as a breeding ground for our state’s dwindling Monarch butterfly population. And this is just a small sampling of the other projects we have in the works for possible inclusion in the future!

I deeply encourage you to discuss conservation of resources with your family on this special day. Talk to your children about all the different ways they can recycle, cut down on energy use, and include eco-consciousness into their daily routines. Lead them through example by working with your community and doing business with local companies interested in environmentally sound methods. By keeping this topic in the forefront of thinking, we can help teach future generations about the importance of taking care of our planet.
In short, Earth Day and conservation are about more than just celebrating the beauty Mother Nature has given us. It is about appreciating our resources and ensuring their availability for many generations to come.