Due to the icy conditions, we are not running routes today, January 22nd. We will ALWAYS prioritize the safety of our people. Please keep your carts curbside and we’ll collect missed areas and missed commercial stops throughout the week. Thank you for your understanding. Please share and spread the word.

Our company tends to get a little sentimental around this time of year. Labor Day I’m meaning. We have the best employees, including our excellent drivers…bar none. Their loyalty and dedication are off the charts incredible, and, we want every AWC employee to know how proud we are of them.

Imagine rolling a 400 lb can in and out of a corral to empty it into your truck; now, imagine doing that a few thousand times per month.  That’s the hard work our drivers do.

We can’t help but be amazed.

Even when our drivers and staff have to come in on a holiday—no gripes, no grumbles. Just a get it done attitude and a 100% commitment to making us the best we can be. Rain, sleet, or snow—it doesn’t matter. They are always out there doing their job—lifting heavy garbage bins, providing staff support, and busting it daily to keep our city clean.

So, since Labor Day is a time of reflection and appreciation of the hardworking American Laborer—we want to say a special thanks to our employees who make our company what it is:

We cherish you more than you know. Thank you for making American Waste Control the best Waste to Energy Company in Tulsa. Our success is all because of you. And, our legacy is alive because of your dedication to giving our customers and community the best you have.

Happy Labor Day

A letter from Kenneth Burkett, founder, to employees.